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Focus on Pumps

| By Suzanne Shelley

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This pump is designed for low-capacity, high-head situations

Finder Pompe

The patented DualPEP (photo) is a two-stage, overhung pump that uses two low-flow-design impellers in a back-to-back configuration, inside a radially split, barrel-shaped, centerline-suported integral casing to maintain an end-top nozzle configuration. It meets API 610 11th Ed. design requirements, and is designed for applications that have relatively low-flow, high-head requirements, and are handling hot, corrosive or viscous fluids, says the company. The pump is said to have no backflow and high stability at low-flow conditions, has relatively low NPSHr without the use of inducers, and is designed for high reliability and low maintenance, even in heavy-duty applications. Two configurations are available (one for space-constrained settings). — Finder Pompe S.r.l., Merate, Italy

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