Telgian Management Technologies
This company’s Compliance Manager software module aids chemical processors in assuring that their sites are compliant with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS). This module is said to be the first commercial relational-database software application designed specifically to track CFATS compliance solutions and security measures. The module is flexible, scalable and secure, and provides consistent data management in real time, allowing users to manage all of their security protocols in one place. In addition, the Compliance Manager CFATS module allows organizations to submit and track forms and reports related to various requirements, and it also identifies and organizes the 18 CFATS Risk-Based Performance Standards with a company’s compliance activities. As site security plans or alternative security-program data are entered, the software offers continuous, one-step documentation and tracking of required annual audit information. — Telgian Management Technologies, LLC, a subsidiary of Telgian Holdings, Inc., Phoenix, Ariz.