The PC-5000 Series meter for sensing particulate matter (photo) is wall-mountable and can display and log calculated particle mass concentrations with the option to incorporate sensors for additional environmental parameters, such as total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), carbon dioxide (CO 2), temperature and relative humidity. A laser-diode-powered sensor and a brushless internal pump enable reliable particulate measurement down to 0.3µm. A high-accuracy photo-ionization detector (PID) for TVOC measurement and a dual-wave NDIR CO 2 sensor are offered. PC-5000 series monitors may also be connected to this company’s AdvancedSense, DirectSense or WolfPack instruments to add logging capabilities for additional compounds (for instance, formaldehyde, ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia and more) into the same data file as other connected sensors. These monitors measure particles sized from 0.3 to 25µm with a flowrate of 2.83 L/min. — GrayWolf Sensing Solutions, Shelton, Conn.