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Environment, Health, Safety & Security

Greenhouse-gas regulations are coming to chemicals

    When in 1997 a United Nations’ conference at Kyoto, Japan, called into being the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), it seemed that greenhouse-gas emissions regulations were just around the corner. Not so fast, was the world’s answer.…

More For Your Money

    Portable and fixed detectors for toxic and flammable gases are offering more choice and better value for the money, say experts, thanks to technology developments and strong market competition. In Europe, competition triggered by consolidation in the last…

Designing for A Safe Process

    Accidents do happen. While not everything can be predicted, addressing safety concerns throughout the design of a process can help to prevent accidents from occurring. Designing with safety in mind can also help to minimize potentially serious consequences…

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Troubleshooting Field Failures of Rupture Disks

Understanding why rupture disks fail can help ensure that they don’t Even with the best process design, the unexpected can happen. Anticipating this, rupture disks are often installed as the last line of defense against the over-pressurization of equipment used…

Plant safety software

DNV Software (Oslo, Norway; and The SimSci-Esscor unit of Invensys (Lake Forest, Calif.; have developed a link between the former’s Phastfx flammable-effects-software module and the latter’s Visual Flow safety-system-design software. The link allows process engineers to quickly and…

Adding palm oil boosts the yield of making petroleum-based diesel

Although there has been big surge in biodiesel production recently, such fuels are not without problems of their own, such as low mileage, poor performance at lower temperatures, and adverse effects on engine components. Also, the production process for making…

Engineering image

Last month, the American Chemical Society (ACS) celebrated its 19th annual National Chemistry Week, a community-based program that aims to communicate how chemistry benefits quality of life. The initiative goes hand-in-hand with the American Chemistry Council’s (ACC’s) “essentialâ‚‚” advertising campaign,…

The Mass Balance

    More and more, it is recognized that business and science are interwoven, and that these disciplines can complement each other to achieve corporate goals. In the chemical process industries (CPI), a noteworthy role is that of engineering in…

Making cement while destroying solid wastes reduces pollution

  Large reductions in the emission of pollutants have been reported in the operation of a novel type of municipal solid-waste treatment plant. A group from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology’s Dept. of Chemical Engineering ( has…

How to boost H2 output from biomass gasifiers

  A promising method for producing hydrogen involves the gasification of biomass with steam. To enhance the concentration of Hâ‚‚ in the ensuing mixture of combustible gases, a carbon dioxide sorbent can be used in situ; calcium oxide is commonly…