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Processing & Handling

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A new metal nitride

Using a diamond anvil cell to create high (up to 50 GPa) pressures, and a laser to create high (up to 2,000 K) temperatures, researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL; Calif.;, the Carnegie Inst. of Washington, and the…

Member Exclusive

Know Your Hydrogen-Supply Options

    At present, around 540 billion Nm3 of hydrogen is produced worldwide, and the trend is upward (Hydrogen: The Real Action Is Today, CE, February, pp. 28ff). The numerous chemical-process and other industrial applications of this colorless, odorless gas…

3D nanostructures

By combining a high-resolution scanning electron microscope and an ion-beam microscope into a single device, researchers at the Max Plank Institute for Iron Research (Düsseldorf, Germany; are able to “see” the inner structure of nanomaterials, biological matter, and high-performance…

Member Exclusive

Steam Handling

Sodium-ion monitoring can prevent steam-turbine corrosion Studies have shown that sodium is one of the most significant contributors to corrosion within turbines, and that such corrosion leads to cracking, embrittlement and ultimately, turbine failure. The Orion Ionplus 2111LL low-level sodium…

Member Exclusive

Mixing Systems: Design and Scale Up

    Fundamental to the chemical process industries (CPI) — whether specialty or bulk chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food products, minerals processing, environmental protection or other products or activities — is the need for mixing. The wide variety and complexity of mixing…

Seals and gaskets, at your service

In today’s global marketplace, multinational companies are almost expected to manufacture products at different sites around the world. Try as they might to build plants that are identical and employ the same procedures, there are no guarantees the results will…

A rotating contactor improves quality of bacterial cellulose

Although chemically identical to vegetation-derived cellulose, bacterial cellulose (BC) has a different tertiary structure, which imparts a number of unique — and commercially important — properties. For example, BC is nontoxic and biocompatible, and has a large water-holding capacity, which…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: A new spin on making emulsions

Kokusan Co. (Tokyo; has developed a new type of emulsifier that uses centrifugal force to drive mixtures through specially designed nozzles. The system is said to be less complex than conventional high-shear mixing devices, and operates at much lower…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: New chiral compounds

BASF AG (Ludwigshafen, Germany; has developed a new process for producing chiral intermediates for pharmaceutical products. Without disclosing any details, BASF says the process is based on dehydrogenase enzymes for making optically active styrene oxides and aliphatic alcohols. The…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: An improved PC resin

PolymersNet Co. Ltd. (Seoul, South Korea; and Cyclics Corp. (Schenectady, N.Y.; announced the first commercial application of CBT (cyclic butylene terephthalate) resin as a modified polycarbonate (PC). PC is used for making compact disks and automobile components, but…