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These Two Motors Designs Comply with API Requirements

| By Chemical Engineering

Two new PetroDuty motor designs are being offered by this firm — the 4th edition API-541 and 1st edition API-547. These new motor designs have been specifically developed to satisfy or exceed the strict requirements set forth by the American Petroleum Institute (API). The newest PetroDuty-541 is rated 500 h.p. and above, as set forth by the API, for use in critical applications in the petroleum industry. With a voltage capacity of 2,300 – 13,200 V, it also offers dual voltage at 2,300 and 4,000 V. The PetroDuty-547 is suitable for use in general purpose petroleum or chemical applications, as well as in other industrial severe-duty environments. Rated for 250 – 3,000 h.p, it has a voltage capacity of 2,300 – 3,200 V. Both motor designs operate on 50 and 60 Hz frequencies. — WEG Electric Motors Corp., Atlanta, Ga.