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Simultaneous Pump and System Sizing

Flow analysis can aid in simultaneously sizing pumps and associated piping systems. The concurrent sizing can reduce wasted energy and improve pump reliability In the chemical process industries (CPI), a variety of incredible process-simulation tools are available to provide greater…

Can You Trust the Joukowsky Equation for Waterhammer?

The Joukowsky equation is often relied upon to determine the maximum possible fluid pressure inside a pipe, but there are certain scenarios where this equation does not return the expected conservative result for overpressurization We engineers love our formulas. Especially…

Leak Prevention in Small-Bore Piping and Tubing

Improved understanding of the causes of piping leaks can reduce the frequency of leaks and lead to significantly better performance over time Leakage in pipes is an ongoing problem in research and development facilities across many sectors of the chemical…

Pipe Supports: Challenges and Solutions

Pipe supports in industrial process plants are often more complicated than commonly thought. Presented here are some of the challenges that can arise and how to address them On one level, the topic of pipe supports seems like it should…