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Solids Handling

New Features for this Particle Characterization System

Launched last year, the Morphologi G3 high-sensitivity particle characterization system delivers information about both particle size and shape. Now, the addition of a statistical data-analysis tool will allow quicker and easier analysis of batch-to-batch variations of a powder feed or…

Drive Pneumatic Conveying Applications without Blowing Noise Limits

The Qube blower package (photo), featuring the new Qx blower, is a quiet, low-cost, quick delivery solution for pneumatic conveying applications and more. Benefits include high efficiency with low noise (< 75 dBA); pressures up to 18 psi; a compact…

For pneumatic instrumentation requiring special air preparation

This firm now offers a new line of filter regulators, regulators and mini filters (photo). The four filter regulators are offered with flowrates from 16 to 72 ft/min. The filter regulators are designed with a rolling diaphragm for extended life…

Precisely mix a large number of ingredients with this unit

Dinnissen The new Pegasus Mixer (photo) is capable of adding up to 18 different liquids — very precisely and in all possible types of combinations and quantities — to dry materials, such as powders, granules and granulates. These liquids can…

Use this batching feeder for food flavorings

The FlexWall loss-in-weight batching feeder (photo) is designed for use in applying snack food flavorings, including onsite movie-theater popcorn. After mixing, the flavorings are transferred, either manually or in an automated process, into a bulk bag that is emptied into…

Up to eight of these volumetric feeders can be coupled together

The volumetric version of the gravimetric ProFlex C feeder can be used to feed additives and fillers in powder, granulate or fiber form. The system requires no maintenance, and is available in two feeder sizes and three container sizes. Up…

Vacuum conveying system achieves high batch accuracy

Designed for use in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, the Batch Weigh Vacuum Convey System (photo) delivers powders and granules to process vessels with accuracies of 0.5% of the batch size. This type of vacuum conveying system allows for…

This macerator features a cartridge of blades

Netzsch Mohnopumpen The Taskmaster twin-shaft macerator (photo) does not have individually installed cutting blades, but single elements made of special steel comprising six cutters and six spacing rings. To achieve the required particle size, different blade designs are available. The…

More Options in Particle Sizing are Now Available

Three new options have been developed for the Inline Particle Size sensor IPP 70, making it easier to use in the regulated pharmaceutical industry. Option 1, the Verification Kit, is for calibration and the regular control of the measurement accuracy.…

Convey lime to neutralization at any angle with this feeder

The Lime Feeder (photo) simultaneously meters and conveys lime to pH neutralization tanks and pools from silos, bulk bags, 50 lb bags or other sources. Equipped with a.c. or d.c. variable speed drives, it conveys lime vertically, horizontally or at…