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Water Treatment

Filtering out and detoxifying hexavalent chromium from water

Chemists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL; Switzerland; have developed “sponges” designed to capture various target substances, such as gold, mercury and lead, dissolved in solution. Now, they have developed one for capturing toxic hexavalent chromium…

Analyzing Your Fluid

Piloting a new sewage-treatment process to tackle emerging contaminants

As new types of water contaminants continue to emerge, such as retinoids and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, wastewater-treatment techniques are evolving to economically handle them. One new process that has shown promise against both conventional and emerging water pollutants integrates two technologies…

Kurita Water Industries completes merger of U.S. subsidiaries

Kurita Water Industries, (Nakano-Ku, Japan;, a leading global provider of water treatment products and services, today announced the completion of the merger of its consolidated subsidiaries in the United States, including  U.S. Water Services, Inc., Texas-based, Kurita America Inc.,…

High-Purity Water Simplified

There are a number of process technologies available to meet the strict standards for high-purity water in different industrial sectors It is easy to think that the water coming out of our faucets can be used anywhere. Although potable water…

Industrial Surfactants in Water: The Compliance Clock is Ticking

As compliance deadlines loom for industrial surfactant contamination in wastewater, engineers must turn their eyes to new treatment methods Surfactants, because of their specific features, are in ubiquitous use in households as detergents or personal-care products and in various industries:…

Recently Published Books for Chemical Process Industries: January 2020

The following are selected recently published books that may be relevant for chemical process industries (CPI) professionals Dispelling Chemical Engineering Myths, 3rd ed. (electronic book edition). By Trevor Kletz, CRC Press, 2019, $57.95, e-book. Guide for Making Acute Risk Decisions.…